<aside> ❗ Disclaimer The PDF is available only through the Discord, ask the DM. For any concerned parties, the class is created and designed by Taron “Destructoboy” Pounds and all additonal rights go to them. This information is only provided to my players and our private Pen & Paper group.
The PDF was purchased through the offical DMguild article. The information is not used in any form of profit gain.
Ponderers of ancient and unchanging truths, runekeepers gain their powers through the contemplation and bending of the laws of reality, for runes are not some mere alphabet, but sacred and infallible diagrams of the plan of creation. As the name suggests, runekeepers are the preservers and torchbearers of this knowledge. Not only do they keep this wisdom alive, but it is their burden to also protect others from its potential dangers. If the runes call upon you, the following sections detail everything you need to play a runekeeper.
Whereas a paladin’s spells are granted through a sacred oath and a cleric’s devotion to their deity grants them an understanding of divine magic, the runekeeper's runes are a manifestation of sacred laws of reality, making them something of divine philosophers. As wards of runic truth, it’s not uncommon for some communities to take in runekeepers as priests. Homes might bear a signature rune of such a priest on their doors, jewelers may make pendants of the rune as protective charms, and the particularly devout may wear them on their robes or as tattoos.
Magic has always been intrinsically tied into the spoken and written word. Verbal incantations are required to cast most spells, spell scrolls and spellbooks are themselves capable of carrying the power of the spells they describe, even speaking the name of certain devils can be enough to banish them back to the Hells. This is more than just folklore and superstition, words have power, and runekeepers may be thought of as the ancestral onomancers in worlds where the magic of names plays such a key role.