A feat represents a talent or an area of aptitude that gives a character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides.

Introducing the Minor Feats!

Using these minor feats is simple. Players are awarded a minor feat of their choosing starting at level 1. At higher levels, when characters are awarded their Ability Score Increase, they may forgo a +1 to take one minor feat. Repeating this, they may take 2 minor feats in place of both +1s. Additionally, the DM should allow characters to earn further minor feats through gameplay. Below are two examples, but others can be awarded, again, at the discretion of the DM:

This system thus allows for a more indepth character customization options in addition to the systems present. It also allows for new minor feats to be added on DM disgression or in cooperation with the players when they have a specific concept for a minor feat in mind.

Table: Minor Feats