Kitsune, or fox folk, are vulpine shapeshifters known for their love of both trickery and art. Kitsune possess two forms: that of an attractive human of slender build with salient eyes, and their true form of an anthropomorphic fox. Despite an irrepressible penchant for deception, kitsune prize loyalty and make true companions. They delight in the arts, particularly riddles and storytelling, and settle in ancestral clans, taking their wisdom from both the living and spirits.
Physical Description. A kitsune has two forms—a single human form and its true form, that of a humanoid fox. In their human forms, kitsune tend toward quickness and lithe beauty. In all forms they possess golden, amber, or brilliant blue eyes. In their true forms, they are covered with a downy coat of auburn fur, although more exotic coloration is possible.
Ability Score Modfier. Kitsune gain a 2 to their dexterity and a +1 to their Charisma
Fox Agility Kitsune are proficient in acrobatics gain a +2 bonus to their acrobatics
Shapeshifting As an action they can change between a fox-like humanoid form and a specific regular human humanoid form.
Natural Weapons Kitsune in their true form can attack with their bite and their claws that deal 1d6 + their Strength damage.
Size Kitsune are medium
Speed Lighter and swifter than most humans, you can move further in less time. Your base walking speed is 35 feet
Low-Light Vision You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light.
Languages You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.
Subraces Kitsune come in two distinct subraces