When a creature rolls a 20 on an attack roll it scores a critical hit which doubles the damage as usual. Afterwards the creatures must roll a confirmation die. It adds all modifiers equivalent to those used on the attack roll that triggered the confirmation die. If the confirmation die exceeds the targets AC, it confirms the critical hit dealing the maximum amount of damage that a regular attack would make.
If the confirmation fails the critical hit is applied as normal, dealing double damage.
Additionally, if the confirmation dice natural value is 20, the critical hit "explodes" causing your damage die to be thrown at advantage or deal atleast the maximum amount of damage that a regular attack would make.
Finally nd triggering another confirmation die to determine that damage dice outcome like previously stated. If that confirmation die is also a natural 20 the target is automatically killed.
Creatures with Paragon Level instantly lose one of their hitpoint pools instead.
Beispiel für Critical Hits 1d8 Longbow Damage 1d6 Flaming Arrow 1d6 Hunters Mark
Normal Damage: 1d8+1d6+1d6 Critical Damage: 2d8+2d6+2d6 Critical (On 1. Confirm): 1d8+1d6+1d6 + 20 Critical (On 2. Crit) (0,25%): 2d8+2d6+2d6 (Advantage) ODER 20 Critical (On 2. Confirm): Nothing Critical (On 3. Crit) (0,0125%): Instant Kill Critical (On 4. Crit) (0,000625%): Something unexpected
When a creature rolls a 1 on an attack roll it scores a critical miss. It must roll on the Critical Failure table depending on the type of attack.
D10 | Effect | Description |
1 | ||
You miss your | ||
attack | ||
Nothing | ||
remarkable happen | ||
2 | ||
Your enemies have advantage on | ||
their first attack roll against you next round | ||
You distracted yourself by your | ||
inability to use your weapon. | ||
3 | ||
Enemies in your range can use | ||
their reaction to attack you. | ||
Your mistakes give the enemies an | ||
opening to attack you. | ||
4 | ||
You fall | ||
prone. | ||
Your lacklustre footing brings you | ||
to the ground. | ||
5 | ||
You need an ‘Use Object’ | ||
action to recover your fallen weapons / ammunition. This is not applicable to | ||
natural weapons. | ||
Your weapon slips to the ground | ||
or you spill your ammunition. | ||
6 | ||
You are surprised until the end of | ||
your next round. | ||
You miss what you thought was a | ||
critical blow | ||
7 | ||
You hit whatever is left or right | ||
to your target. | ||
You swing wildly and miss the | ||
intended target. | ||
8 | ||
You make your next | ||
attack at a disadvantage. | ||
You are uncertain of your | ||
swinging. | ||
9 | ||
You lose your movement action for | ||
1d4 rounds, or until you are assisted by an ally | ||
Your ability to move is hindered. | ||
10 | ||
You suffer half the damage your | ||
attack would have caused. | ||
You strain your body in the attack | ||
hitting yourself with the weapon | ||
| D10 | Effect | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | You miss your attack | The spell fizzles | | 2 | Your enemies have advantage on their first attack roll against you next round | You get wrapped up in your spellcasting and forget to watch your target. | | 3 | You are knocked prone. | Your spell misfires knocking you back | | 4 | Enemies in your range can use their reaction to attack you. | You are startled by the effect of your own spell | | 5 | You are unable to perform somatic components to cast spells until the end of your next turn. | Your arm cramps | | 6 | You are unable to use material components to cast spells until you retrieve the materials needed. | You drop your material component pouch or you spell casting focus | | 7 | You are unable to use verbal components to cast spells until the end of your next turn | You bite your tongue. | | 8 | You turn ends. | Your spell misfires and dazes you, causing you to lose track of the fight. | | 9 | You fall prone. Roll a DC 12 constitution save, on a failure you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and you are knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds, until you are assisted by an ally or take damage. | Your spell backfires knocking you over | | 10 | You cannot cast the spell you just cast until a long rest. | You messed with the casting of the spell that swept uncertainty over your abilities. |