What is this? Who am I? These thoughts flood your mind for the first time. You have awakened to a whole new world of understanding...whether this was through divine or magical powers or mutation, the world is now seen in a whole new light. For the first time, you feel the need to walk and talk like the funny furless creatures you've seen before. Go out into the world and make it your own, stay in the forest and rule, or just go on living your life as it is now. Have you been captured and experimented on? Do you have a desire to see all of nature thrive? Explore how to move like a humanoid and try to keep your cool under their gaze.

Awakened Bear Traits

As an awakened bear, you gain the following skills

Thick fur

The bear's thick fur protects it from the cold of the tundra.

You have Resistance against cold damage.

Skill Increases

Your Strength score increases by 2 and Constitution score increases by 1.


Awakened creatures are know to live well beyond their unawakened counterparts. As such they age similarly to humans.


You are medium.


60ft in twilight see like in broad daylight

60ft see in darkness as in twilight


With your sharp teeth, you can attack the flesh of your enemies and protect yourself from danger.

1d8 + Strength (Piercing)

Claw Attack

With your claws, you can inflict fatal damage on your enemies.